LRI provides expert facilitation as part of all of our engagements. We facilitate large and small group meetings in Sacramento, off-sites, executive team meetings, and Board planning meetings – to name a few.
The following factors are good indicators that you need a facilitator:
- You need a neutral voice. Too often people feel the need to agree or choose a side because they’re afraid of losing their jobs or getting on someone’s bad side. A facilitator is a voice of neutrality who can ensure that everyone’s voice is heard.
- You need a decision. Our expert facilitators have techniques to facilitate agreement on tough issues. We know how to help groups get to the root cause of issues, build a shared understanding of relevant data, and reach agreements on what to do.
- You’re struggling with change management. Even the best decision can be derailed if you fail to create an effective plan for implementing it. Our expert facilitators help teams organize their ideas and create clear, effective action plans for implementing decisions. We can also help monitor your progress, ensure that the plan remains relevant, and help you make improvements and adjustments along the way.
- You’ve fallen victim to the “Assumption of Competence.” It’s human nature for people to pick and choose evidence and information that justifies the beliefs they hold. The assumption of competence can be especially dangerous if people cling to a course of action despite evidence that it is not the optimum direction. Facilitators are pros at helping executives and groups see different viewpoints and consider pieces of information that create a more complete, accurate picture.
- You’re short on time. It can take organizations years to reach a major decision. Most companies don’t have the luxury of a long decision-making timeline. They need to respond to a problem or implement a change quickly before they fall behind the competition. A good facilitator keeps team members on track and makes sure they stick to their timeline.
Effective facilitators organize the conversations that other people need to have. Their role is to guide the conversation by defining the desired outcomes, setting ground rules, deciding the sequence of topics, ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard, asking relevant questions, limiting non-productive communication, facilitating consensus, and summarizing the conclusions reached.
Download PDF – The Habits of Highly Effective Facilitators
LRI is a Sacramento consulting firm with a unique blend of both facilitation and expertise in change management to help clients achieve real, meaningful change. Our team is comprised of expert facilitators and we also train facilitators.